【Girls X Battle 2】

 人参与 | 时间:2024-07-26 20:38:04

Girls X Battle 2官方介绍:



【Girls X Battle 2】


Girls X Battle 2

Girls X Battle 2最新版v1.5.550更新说明(2023-11-08)

New Updates1.New Skin: N-Gen Iron Fist (Serenity)2.New Skin: Krystal (Bonbon)3.Old Campus Exploration plans given in each season will now be at random.Optimization1.Rewards obtained display in Coin Quiz now grouped in categories.2.Optimized the “Acquire” display when acquiring girls in Enroll.Fixes1.Bug fixed on error that occurred when switching between Chat channels.2.Bug fixed on error that occurred when visiting Dorms with girls resting inside.3.Bug fixed on battle stats error.
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#iuuu9(dot)com,或移步Girls X Battle 2官网下载最新版

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